Monday, May 02, 2005

What is holistic medicine?

Holistic medicine is often referred to as alternative medicine, complementary medicine or natural healing. These names all represent different aspects of the same picture, reflecting different approaches, facets and methods of holistic medicine. Its aim is the common goal of integrating all aspects of wellbeing, including physical, mental, spiritual, emotional, environmental and social health.
Holistic medicine is holistic, because it looks at the whole person and the surrounding world as one entity; it is alternative, because it offers a different, non-conventional, non-invasive way of healing; it is complementary, because it can be used alongside other healing methods or medication; and it is natural, because instead of drugs, pills, injections and surgeries, it uses more gentle, non-pharmaceutical and non-invasive natural tools and techniques. Holistic medicine does not only treat the symptom, but relates to the whole human being. Holistic healers, just like medical doctors, are professionally trained. Holistic healing, therefore, when done properly, is not at all quackery (as some people unfamiliar with it at times mistakenly think), but a very powerful way of healing. It has the ability to cure both acute illnesses (those of abrupt onset and rapidly progressing symptoms) as well as chronic conditions (those of indefinite duration). It is important to realize, that in some cases conventional treatment (such as antibiotics or immediate surgery) is also or even exclusively needed.
Although many holistic healing methods have ancient roots (while other holistic techniques are relatively new), the field as a whole seems to be only recently rediscovered in western society. During the past 30 years more and more hospitals and clinics have begun to practice holistic medicine all around the world. The simple and most obvious reason to this revelation is that in our days the world is smaller and more open than ever, making it possible for many ideas to freely wonder between countries and cultures. On the other hand, in our global and mechanized world people are quite detached from nature, from their roots in the universe, and sometimes even from each other. People know very well how to use all different kinds of machines, but often they forget how to use the most basic and most important elements of existence: the earth, the light, the water, the plants and animals, the surrounding energies. Unduly little attention is being paid to our bodies and souls. Therefore, now more than ever we all need to reconnect to the natural gifts that were given to us, we all need healing, pampering, love, kindness, sometimes even just a human touch. These are some of the things that holistic medicine has to offer.

Methods of holistic healing (not a complete list):

Chinese medicine
Massage therapy

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